Adding Bonuses and Incentives via "Other Pay"

Use Canopy to Monitor employee's bonus compensation.

If your company gives out quarterly bonuses, ad hoc incentives, or other forms of pay on top of base compensation, you can now add, track, and calculate those in Canopy. Here is how to include "other pay" types.


  1. Navigate to the chosen employee's Pay tab.
  2. Select the Add New button in the "Other Pay" section.
  3. This section will be where you enter the incentive data. Some Best Practices for this entry are found below the steps.
  4. Once you entered the incentive data, you will then need to decide whether this bonus is active for the employee.  This decision is made by toggling the Include in Annualized Pay button on or off. In this screenshot, you can see that we have toggled it on.
  5. Click Save. You might need to refresh your screen.
  6. Now, you can see the bonus is visible in the Other Pay grid, the Pay Profile, and the Pay History Grid.
  7. If you want to remove a bonus or incentive from an employee's Pay Profile, edit the incentive from the Other Pay module and toggle the Include switch off. The change will be reflected in the Pay History grid.

Do not delete an incentive or entry in the Pay History grid.

Best Practices

  1. We recommend selecting the "Annually" option for the frequency.
  2. You can create earning types in the Default Tables