Viewing and Assigning time policies

Set up time management roles

In order for a CanopyWS administrator or supervisor to view an employee’s Time and Attendance data (PTO requests, time policies, etc.), the employee must be assigned to the aforementioned supervisor. Here is how to do that.

From the Time and Attendance tab, select Data Security.

In the next table, select which employee’s viewing privileges you want to manage.

Once you have chosen an employee to manage, the list of viewable employees will appear. You can sort the list by employee, supervisor, department, or division.

To select employees to view, click the check boxes next to their names and then click the large arrow to move them into the box on the right side of our screen. To select a single employee, you can click the Select button next to their name.

You can also remove employees from the right-side box using the dis-select button or the left-pointing arrow.

In the screenshot below, you can see that the right-side box now includes additional employees. Once you have finished, click Save.