Scheduling Reports

Automatically run reports

CanopyWS allows you to not only create a report but also to have that report ran on a scheduled basis. This way, you do not have to remind yourself to run that expired license report every month: just set it and forget it!

Now that we have created a lovely, filtered, analyzed report, let’s schedule it.


from the Report Writer screen:

  1. Click Schedule.

  2. The popup window allows you to create a schedule for your report, as well as select CanopyWS users to receive it. Choose a schedule period and start date (i.e., the day when the report schedule will begin.)

  3. Here we have chosen for the report to be run yearly, starting on November 1st, 2020. You will also need to select which employees you want the report to be sent to, including yourself if needed!

    Click Save.

You can also choose to send the report to people outside Canopy via email!