Requisition Check Lists

Keep tabs on an applicant's journey to new hire

A Requisition Check List can help a recruiter or hiring manager keep track of where they are in the hiring process. For example, you might still need to do a background check, or call an applicant's references. Such a list is attached to a new Requisition.

The list itself is made up of two components: a Name and Items. Let’s make a new checklist.

Check List Name Instructions

  1. Select Requisition Check List Name from the Setup tab.


  2. The table displays the current checklists names. You can Add or Delete any list name from here. Let’s click Add.


  3. Give your new checklist a name and click Save.


Now let’s attach a checklist item to it.

Check List Item Instructions

  1. Select Requisition Check List Item from the Setup tab.


  2. Make a new item by clicking the Add button at the top of the table.

  3. Make sure to give the item a name, and attach it to a Requisition Check List Name. You can also add a comment to the viewer if you wish. Status should always be incomplete because otherwise, you won’t know if anyone does it!

  4. Click Save.

    The new item should now appear in the table! if you want to remove it, choose the Delete option from the drop-down menu.