Random Drug Testing

Track your company's drug testing and results

If your company requires drug testing its employees, you know how complicated it is to keep track of completion dates and results. Canopy lets you generate lists of employees to be tested randomly, and send notifications to said, employees. To generate a random drug test, go to the Administration tab, and select Random Test.

The next screen will show all pending and completed tests generated from the random list. Since we do not have any here, click Generate New Test List.

To generate a test, you only need to indicate the number of employees required. In this example, I have also opted to include some additional factors, such as excluding employees who have been recently tested. When you are ready, click Generate.

Your selected number of employees will appear! Make sure all the checkboxes are turned on and then Submit. This will send an email and link to the email address on file for every chosen employee notifying them that they have been chosen for a test.

You can also include extra information in the message box, or have the email sent to an employee’s manager.

The tests will now appear in the table from before, with their completion status and date. You can also delete any required test using its red X.

Using the Printer icon will create a PDF of the tests, as well.

Once an employee has been submitted for a test, that employee CANNOT be selected by random or non-random testing until their pending test has been completed.